Hydrogen Purification

The splitting of water by electrolysis is an efficient technology to produce green hydrogen and oxygen. However, the separation of the gases is not perfect. Depending on the electrolysis technology there is a smaller or larger slip of one gas into the other. To safely process, transport or utilize the gases, these impurities need to be removed.

Hydrogen Purification

The Heraeus HeraPur® gas purification catalysts since decades reliably fulfil the task of removing O2 from H2 streams by converting it to H2O - operating at low temperatures and with an efficient use of the applied Platinum Group metals. With new electrolysis technologies and application demands, new generations of catalysts for the deoxygenation and dehydrogenation have been established allowing for even lower precious metal contents and attractive material choices.

No matter which method is used to generate hydrogen: it is always followed by a purification process which is enabled by precious metals catalysts.

Catalysts for Gas Purification

Out of our catalyst portfolio we can propose the most efficient solution to ensure and stably meet your purification requirements.

14 Results

Heraeus ID
Precious Metal
PM Loading [%]
Support Material
Support Form
89611001K-0140-03Pt0.30AluminaPelletsGas PurificationOnline available
89611005K-0140-05Pt0.50AluminaPelletsGas PurificationOnline available
89610152K-0152-01Pt0.10AluminaSpheresGas PurificationOnline available
5036096K-0152-02Pt0.20AluminaSpheresGas PurificationOnline available
89610153K-0152-03Pt0.30AluminaSpheresGas PurificationOnline available
89602130K-02130Pd, Pt0.15 , 0.15AluminaSpheresGas PurificationOnline available
89602133K-02133-05Pd0.50AluminaSpheresGas PurificationOnline available
89610001K-0240-01Pd0.10AluminaPelletsGas PurificationOnline available
89610003K-0240-03Pd0.30AluminaPelletsGas PurificationOnline available
89610005K-0240-05Pd0.50AluminaPelletsGas PurificationOnline available
89650267K-0264-02Pd0.20AluminaSpheresGas PurificationOnline available
89650265K-0264-03Pd0.30AluminaSpheresGas PurificationOnline available
89650264K-0264-05Pd0.50AluminaSpheresGas PurificationOnline available
89611288K-0288Pd, Pt0.20 , 0.10AluminaSpheresGas PurificationOnline available

For Hydrogen or Oxygen sources other than water electrolysis of course other impurity profiles apply. Please see our gas purification page or on our solutions to a fuel cell operation for further HeraPur® purification technologies.

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Your Expert for Hydrogen Purification

Dr. Hendrik Spod‎‎ Catalysts for Gas Purification, Hydrogenation, Ammonia, Balance of Plant, Emission Abatement
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Hendrik Spod