Circlear - Products made with 100% recycled precious metals
Using Circlear allows you to reduce your Scope 3 carbon footprint: Recycled precious metals enable circularity for these scarce resources and reduce the need for extraction of primary metals.
The cost-efficient production of green hydrogen on an industrial scale will be an important element towards a zero-emission society.
Catalytic systems are widely used for industrial ammonia oxidation and hydrogen cyanide as well as caprolactam production.
Although fossil feedstock currently dominate the chemical industry, renewable feedstocks represent promising alternatives to fossil resources. The aim is to reduce the carbon footprint and open up new routes to platform chemicals.
AGXX - The superior antimicrobial technology against bacteria, viruses and all other microorganisms
Environmental catalysts play an important role in the purification of industrial gases and exhaust gases.
Slip ring transmitters are used wherever electrical power and information is transferred between a stationary and a rotating component.