Logistics & Wastemanagement

As a customer recycling precious metals from waste, you have one main goal: An uncomplicated process that you can trust to make your precious metal available again quickly.

Logistics & Wastemanagement


Often, however, this is more easily said than done. The movement of precious metal wastes is subject to many statutory regulations (waste regulations, transport regulations) that must be taken into account before and during transport. This is especially true when moving the material across borders, which often requires a great deal of expertise and many years of experience. Let us help you!

With a standardized evaluation, we can develop the best logistical solution and processing method for you in advance. We will guide you through the whole process.

If requested, we will analyze your recycling material. Once the contents are known, we can classify them according to the regulations and work with you to determine an individualized processing plan, thereby saving you time and money. Our experts know what you are doing and work to ensure that your materials are handled in compliance with all applicable regulations, giving you legal certainty.

Heraeus Precious Metals Brochure

Our Services for You

With authorization to handle a wide variety of waste codes, we are the right partner for your needs. You can expect the following services from us:

Technical Service

  • Technical support
    Evaluation of the material in order to help you develop the best processing plan.
  • Analytical evaluation of the material
    Based on samples submitted by the customer, we identify the contents (pollutants, precious metals content, …).
    The resulting analytical report is used to classify the material, among other purposes.
  • Supervision of sampling

Waste Management

  • Support in preparing and/or implementing notifications in accordance with Regulation (EC) 1013/2006, OECD, Basel Convention
  • Support in preparing and/or implementing waste approvals under the Recycling Economics and Waste Act [KrWG], List of Waste Materials [AVV], and Verification Directive [NachwV]
  • Support in waste identification / classification
  • Disposal / collection of precious metal wastes with collective waste disposal order §9 NachwV

Logistics / Transportation

  • "Door to Door" – Logistics (FTL, LTL, FCL)
    In accordance with legal requirements and individual instructions from the customer.
    Only approved carriers used (hazardous materials, Waste Regulations §§ 53, 54 KrWG)
  • Support for tariff group classification of recycling materials and for customs clearance
  • Provision of empty containers. (steel drums, IBCs, Big Bag, flow bins …)
  • Marking / labeling of hazardous materials and hazardous goods
    Preparation of hazardous materials label required by Regulation (EC) No. 1272/2008
    Dangerous goods label according to ADR
  • Support and consultation regarding transport issues (road, air, sea, rail)

All Services From a Single Source – Expertise Throughout the Precious Metals Cycle

If you use our solutions for waste management and logistics, you often need more than someone to simply transport the waste and recover the precious metal. Once that is done, you want to transfer or sell your recovered metal through your weight account. Or perhaps you need additional precious metal or precious metal components for your production – including an intelligent price hedging or financing model.

At Heraeus, you can get demand-oriented hedging or financing, short recycling times, and fast processing, all from a single source. We support you with logistics and transportation, and we offer a complete solution with competitive conditions.

We are nearby, no matter where in the world you are, to ensure that everything functions smoothly: With a total of twelve locations in Europe, China, India, North America, and South Africa, we have a presence in all of the major industrial regions and time zones.

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Logistics and Wastemanagement Heraeus Precious Metals
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