Trade show

Precious Metal Pre-Materials for Medical Manufacturing​

When it comes to precious metal pre-materials for medical manufacturing, excellence meets innovation.

Heraeus in-house facilities refine and process high-purity materials, alloys and composites, ensuring the highest quality and performance at every stage.

Electrical Contact Materials
02/04/2025 - 02/06/2025
USA, AnaheimBooth 547, Exhibit Halls A-E

With a focus on Pt, Pd, Ir, Au and Ag, we offer a wide range of products including rods, tubes, sheets, wire, strips and foils, manufactured in accordance with ISO:9001 and ASTM B684, B561 standards. From the melting stage to the delivery of customer-specified solutions, highest quality is ensured through complete production control:​

  • Melting, casting​
  • Forging, milling, turning​
  • Rolling of metal sheets, rods and profiles​
  • Drawing of tubes and wires​
  • Swiss turning, drilling, forming, welding, laminating​
  • Fabrication of complex components​
  • Plating, cladding​
  • Continuous rolling of strips​

As a trusted supplier of precious metal solutions for generations, Heraeus materials are engineered to meet the most demanding medical requirements, offering​

  • Biocompatibility​
  • Inertness / Corrosion resistance​
  • X-ray visibility​
  • High conductivity​
  • Anti-magnetism​
  • Mechanical strength​
  • Precision tolerances​

Optimized pre-materials provide a solid foundation for your OEM-finished medical components


A diverse portfolio of customizable, high-purity alloys, melted and formed in-house, provide exceptional strength, durability, and corrosion resistance for your catheter-based applications.

Wires, Pins & Needles

Biocompatible pre-materials with high tensile strength and elongation improve structural integrity of neurovascular coils and instruments for aneurysm intervention.​

Deformation, scratches, and gouging can be minimized while extending the life of dynamic components.


Pre-materials with high ductility facilitate construction of electrode components, micro-catheters, and minimally invasive tools with intricate shapes and game-change designs. ​

Strips, Sheets & Foils

Uniform microstructure enables consistent visibility under x-ray imaging (contrast markers). Electrically conductive, low resistance materials allow efficient signal and power transfer with minimum heat generation. ​

Sensors, electrodes, and monitoring equipment can be designed to reliably maintain high-signal integrity over time.

Bill GavrishAmericas
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Bill Gavrish
David FogelAmericas
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Dr. Po Hung Ko Asia
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Dr. Po Hung Ko‎
Tobias ReisingEurope, Africa
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